Results for 'Beatriz H. Grand Buiz'

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  1.  31
    The Affordable Care Act Attenuates Financial Strain According to Poverty Level.Ryan M. McKenna, Brent A. Langellier, Héctor E. Alcalá, Dylan H. Roby, David T. Grande & Alexander N. Ortega - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801879016.
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  2. El hombre y el tiempo: desarrollo del pensamiento primitivo y antiguo.Grand Ruiz & Beatriz Hilda - 1981 - [Buenos Aires]: Distribuye, DIRPLE.
  3.  7
    El tiempo en la edad contemporanea.Grand Ruiz & Beatriz Hilda - 1989 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Clepsidra.
    1. Bergson, Husserl, Russell, scheler, Jaspers, Heidegger -- 2. Quiles, E. Pucciarelli, M. Merleau-Ponty, F.G. Asenjo, P. Ricoeur.
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    El tiempo en la Edad Moderna.Grand Ruiz & Beatriz Hilda - 1987 - [Buenos Aires?]: Clepsidra.
    1. Bacon, Newton, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hobbes, Berkeley, Hume, Lock, Voltaire, Condillac, Rousseau, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel -- 2. Schopenhauer, Comte, Feuerbach, Kierkegaard, Marx, Engels, Nietzsche.
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    El Tiempo en la Edad Media.Grand Ruiz & Beatriz Hilda - 1985 - [Buenos Aires?]: Ediciones Clepsidra.
    T. 1. San Agustín, Boecio, Escoto Erigena y San Anselmo -- T. 2. Arabes y judíos, Tomás de Aquino, Buenaventura, Duns Scot, Occam, Eckhart.
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  6. El tiempo en Copérnico, Galileo y Campanella.Grand Ruiz & Beatriz Hilda - 1983 - Buenos Aires: Distribuye Dirple.
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    De Novis Libris Iudicia.C. Del Grande, W. Den Boer, J. C. Kamerbeek, W. J. Verdenius, G. J. De Vries, H. Bolkestein, W. J. W. Koster, J. Gonda, J. H. Croon, P. J. Enk, J. H. Waszink, J. H. Thiel, J. W. Fuchs, G. J. D. Aalders, J. C. Arens, H. M. Mulder, R. D. Williams, E. J. Jonkers, M. F. A. Brok, G. F. Diercks & J. Van Ijzeren - 1956 - Mnemosyne 9 (1):52-93.
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    Correlates of Acceptance of Wealth Inequality: A Moderated Mediation Model.Grand H.-L. Cheng, Darius K.-S. Chan & Dannii Y. Yeung - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Wealth inequality is a prevalent social issue. The present study focuses on acceptance of wealth inequality, and considers personal income, perceived upward mobility, and future time perspective as its antecedents, and collective action intention as its outcome. With reference to the social identity literature and socioemotional selectivity theory, we posit a conditional indirect effect of income on collective action intention through acceptance of wealth inequality: only when mobility and future time perspective are relatively high, higher income is associated with higher (...)
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    Ideas on the composition of muriatic acid and their relevance to the oxygen theory of acidity.H. E. Le Grand - 1974 - Annals of Science 31 (3):213-225.
    (1974). Ideas on the composition of muriatic acid and their relevance to the oxygen theory of acidity. Annals of Science: Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 213-225.
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    Ideas on the composition of muriatic acid and their relevance to the oxygen theory of acidity.H. Grand - 1974 - Annals of Science 31 (3):213-225.
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    Lavoisier's oxygen theory of acidity.H. E. Le Grand - 1972 - Annals of Science 29 (1):1-18.
  12.  18
    Berthollet's Essai de statique chimique and Acidity.H. Le Grand - 1976 - Isis 67 (2):229-238.
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    Revue de l'essai de statique chimique: Edition critique d'un projet de seconde edition de L'essai de statique chimique. Claude-Louis Berthollet, Michelle Sadoun-Goupil.H. Le Grand - 1982 - Isis 73 (2):298-298.
  14.  43
    Adriano Bausola, "Conoscenza e moralità in Franz Brentano". [REVIEW]H. Beatriz Urdaneta - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (2):232.
  15.  15
    Determination of the Composition of the Fixed Alkalis 1789-1810.H. Le Grand - 1974 - Isis 65 (1):59-65.
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    Methodological suggestions for climato-economic theory.Kwok Leung & Grand H.-L. Cheng - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):494-495.
    To evaluate and extend climato-economic theory, the use of more micro units of analysis, such as cities and families, may open up new data sources. The consideration of environmental demands other than thermal climate may also broaden the range of useful data. Longitudinal designs can provide causal evidence, and so can experiments if the theory can be applied to individuals.
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  17. Comissão Especial de Investigação Sumária: uma estratégia política nada sutil (Brasil, golpe civil-militar/1964).Beatriz T. Daudt Fischer & Marcos Fontana Cerutti - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (2):145-165.
    Instalada na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) logo após o golpe civil-militar 1964, a Comissão Especial de Investigação Sumária (Ceis) teve como objetivo investigar ações consideradas subversivas, envolvendo professores, funcionários e estudantes. A presente pesquisa buscou saber como tal acontecimento é hoje relembrado por alguns estudantes da época, diretamente envolvidos naquele contexto. Para a busca de dados, optou-se pela História Oral, coletando narrativas de cinco sujeitos, além de pesquisa documental: atas, fichas de informações, ofícios e matérias no (...)
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  18. Not Only the Poor: The Middle Classes and the Welfare State.Robert E. Goodin, Julian Le Grand, John Dryzek, D. M. Gibson, Russell L. Hanson & Robert H. Haveman - 1989 - Ethics 99 (2):442-443.
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  19.  27
    TEM observations of rhombohedral and monoclinic domains in LaCoO3-based ceramics.P. E. Vullum, H. L. Lein, M. -A. Einarsrud, T. Grande & R. Holmestad - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (8):1187-1208.
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    O helenismo tropical de Luz mediterranea: recepção de Platão na poesia de Raul de Leoni.Beatriz Saar - 2024 - Letras e Letras 40 (1):1-15.
    O presente estudo tem por objetivo discutir a recepção do platonismo na produção lírica de Raul de Leoni (1895-1926). Atualmente, o nome de Leoni é majoritariamente ausente da matriz curricular do ensino de poesia brasileira; sua figura foi praticamente esquecida nos círculos acadêmicos. Não obstante essa lacuna, seu único livro publicado, intitulado Luz mediterrânea (1922), gozou de grande reconhecimento e prestígio entre poetas e críticos do período, dentre eles Alceu Amoroso Lima, Ribeiro Couto e Múcio Leão. A fim de melhor (...)
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  21. Aspásia de Mileto e o exercício da excelência [Aspasia of Miletus and the exercise of excellence].Beatriz Saar - 2023 - Prometheus 43:47-66.
    Aspásia de Mileto (470?-400?) é uma figura cuja história nos é nebulosa e ao mesmo tempo muito clara. Nebulosa pois, como sugere Marta Andrade (2022, p. 24), trata-se de uma existência, como muitas outras, cuja memória a posteridade raramente se ocupou ou simplesmente esqueceu. Mas também clara pois Aspásia possui uma persona constituída no que chamamos de "tradição". A amante de Péricles. A professora de Sócrates. A esposa de Lísicles. Sua figura é frequentemente resgatada à sombra das figuras masculinas com (...)
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  22.  38
    Conference review: Notes on the "international congress of traditional medicine, interculturality, and mental health," takiwasi center, tarapoto, peru, June 7–10, 20091. [REVIEW]Beatriz Caiuby Labate - 2010 - Anthropology of Consciousness 21 (1):30-46.
    English translation by Glenn H. Shepard Jr. Revision by Matthew MeyerThis article reports on the recent “International Congress of Traditional Medicine, Interculturality, and Mental Health” held by the Takiwasi Center in Tarapoto in the Peruvian Amazon. The event united 218 researchers and indigenous and religious representatives from 22 countries to present results of scientific discussions and engage in political and ethical debates surrounding the increasingly globalized, transnational, and biomedicalized reach of indigenous medical practices, especially ayahuasca-based therapy and religious practice. The (...)
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  23.  21
    Chapter 27: The Grand Digest.H. G. Xunzi - 2014 - In Xunzi: The Complete Text. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 288-317.
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  24.  34
    Branquitude, racismo e sexismo em docências realizadas por mulheres negras no ensino de história.Carla Beatriz Meinerz, Priscila de Souza Santos & Priscila Nunes Pereira - 2021 - Odeere 6 (1):109-137.
    Objetiva-se no texto analisar o ensino de história na formação inicial e continuada, através do estágio docente obrigatório em espaços escolares, tematizando o racismo institucional e o sexismo. O conceito de racismo institucional será interseccionado com o de sexismo, pois a análise destaca fenômenos observados com jovens estudantes negras, licenciandas do Curso de História da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Sob a perspectiva da abordagem qualitativa, consideram-se as práticas pedagógicas, construídas em processos de ensino e pesquisa, desenvolvidas a (...)
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  25. (1 other version)J. J. CHEVALIER: Los grandes textospoliticos desde Maquiavelo a nuestros días.H. J. H. J. - 1955 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14 (53):441.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Nicholas Appleton, Loren R. Bonneau, Walter Feinberg, Thomas D. Moore, Albert Grande, W. Eugene Hedley, D. Malcolm Leith, Charles R. Schindler, Leonard Fels, Harry Wagschal, Gregg Jackson, David C. Williams, Gary H. Gilliland, Colin Greer, Gerald L. Gutek, H. Warren Button & Ronald K. Goodenow - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (1-2):39-52.
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  27.  35
    À propos de Lumière de l'Éternel, de Ḥasdaï Crescas.Ḥasdaï Crescas - 2011 - Labyrinthe (37):157-161.
    Cette parution est un événement. Lumière de l’Éternel est le dernier des ouvrages majeurs du rationalisme juif médiéval, ponctuant une série de tentatives de mesurer le judaïsme aux exigences de la rationalité philosophique. Son auteur, Ḥasdaï Crescas (vers 1340-1410), est un pur produit du judaïsme espagnol, philosophe et élève de grands maîtres de la tradition talmudique (notamment Nissim de Gérone, dit « le Ran »). Il fut un dirigeant de la communauté barcelonaise. L’ouvrage aurait été ac..
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  28. Un grand serviteur de l'Eglise au temps du modernisme: le Père Lagrange.J. -H. Nicolas - 1995 - Nova et Vetera 70 (3):43-60.
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  29.  22
    Grand Philosophy Quiz.J. L. H. Thomas - 1993 - Philosophy Now 5:34-35.
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  30.  46
    Le risque d’être soi-même. Le consentement et l’affectivité comme fondements de l’éthique ricoeurienne.Beatriz Contreras Tasso & Patricio Mena Malet - 2019 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 9 (2):11-28.
    Il s’agit dans cet article de montrer que l’éthique ricoeurienne exposée dans Soi-même comme un autre peut et doit être pensée par rapport à l’anthropologie et l’ontologie que le philosophe a progressivement développées depuis son premier grand projet philosophique phénoménologique jusqu’à son œuvre de maturité. Dans le but d’esquisser cette approche des fondements onto-anthropologiques de l’éthique ricœurienne, nous partons d’abord des textes de jeunesse de Ricœur dans lesquels il développe une longue méditation sur le risque qu’implique l’acte de la (...)
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  31. Supporting the “Grand Illusion” of direct perception: Implicit learning in eye-movement control.Frank H. Durgin - 1999 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & David John Chalmers, Toward a Science of Consciousness III: The Third Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
  32. Strowski, Fortunat, Les Grands Philosophes. Montaigne. [REVIEW]H. Fels - 1935 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 48:137-138.
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    Grand article: L' éducation pour débarbariser.T. W. Adorno, H. Becker & Marie-andrée Ricard - 2000 - Cités 4:153-165.
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    A normatização do projeto político de Alfonso X: "Las siete partidas".Ana Beatriz Frazão Ribeiro - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (159):545-558.
    Alfonso X, o sábio, monarca castelhano do século XIII. patrocinou uma produção intelectual de grande envergadura em todos os campos do conhecimento. No grupo de obras políticas, destaca-se como sua produção mais importante 'Las Siete Partidas'. Influenciada pelo Direito Romano, esta obra visa constituir um código legal com amplitude superior aos antigos fueros locais. Objetivamos estudar como 'Las Siete Partidas' desvelam as aspirações políticas do Rei Sábio, ou seja, o reforço do poder real, sua autoridade como monarca, através da elaboração (...)
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  35. J. J. Chevalier: Los Grandes Textospoliticos Desde Maquiavelo A Nuestros Días.J. H. J. & Staff - 1955 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14 (53/54):441.
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    Etudes d'Histoire et de Psychologie du Mysticisme: Les Grands Mystiques Chretiens.H. N. Gardiner - 1909 - Philosophical Review 18 (1):81-83.
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  37. La fécondité des grands thèmes husserliens pour le progrès de la recherche philosophique.H. L. van Breda - 1958 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 66:6.
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  38. Comissão Especial de Investigação Sumária: uma estratégia política nada sutil (Brasil, golpe civil-militar/1964).Beatriz T. Daudt Fisher & Marcos Fontana Cerutti - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (2).
    Instalada na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) logo após o golpe civil-militar 1964, a Comissão Especial de Investigação Sumária (Ceis) teve como objetivo investigar ações consideradas subversivas, envolvendo professores, funcionários e estudantes. A presente pesquisa buscou saber como tal acontecimento é hoje relembrado por alguns estudantes da época, diretamente envolvidos naquele contexto. Para a busca de dados, optou-se pela História Oral, coletando narrativas de cinco sujeitos, além de pesquisa documental: atas, fichas de informações, ofícios e matérias no (...)
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  39. Quentin Skinner, ed., The Return of Grand Theory in the Human Sciences. [REVIEW]H. Wilson - 1987 - Philosophy in Review 7:31-33.
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    The Phonology of Lower Grand Valley Dani: A Comparative Structural Study of Skewed Phonemic Patterns.Rufus S. Hendon & H. Myron Bromley - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (2):287.
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    Radical embodied cognitive neuroscience: Addressing “grand challenges” of the mind sciences.Luis H. Favela - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:01-10.
    It is becoming ever more accepted that investigations of mind span the brain, body, and environment. To broaden the scope of what is relevant in such investigations is to increase the amount of data scientists must reckon with. Thus, a major challenge facing scientists who study the mind is how to make big data intelligible both within and between fields. One way to face this challenge is to structure the data within a framework and to make it intelligible by means (...)
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  42. From playfulness and self-centredness via grand expectations to normalisation: a psychoanalytical rereading of the history of molecular genetics. [REVIEW]H. A. E. Zwart - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):775-788.
    In this paper, I will reread the history of molecular genetics from a psychoanalytical angle, analysing it as a case history. Building on the developmental theories of Freud and his followers, I will distinguish four stages, namely: (1) oedipal childhood, notably the epoch of model building (1943–1953); (2) the latency period, with a focus on the development of basic skills (1953–1989); (3) adolescence, exemplified by the Human Genome Project, with its fierce conflicts, great expectations and grandiose claims (1989–2003) and (4) (...)
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  43. Les grands courants de la pensée contemporaine.R. Eucken, H. Buriot, G. Luquet & M. E. Boutroux - 1911 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 19 (3):4-6.
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  44.  71
    Smokers, virgins, equity and health care costs.H. V. McLachlan - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (4):209-213.
    Julian Le Grand's case for saying that it would be equitable if smokers and smokers alone were to pay the costs of smoking-related health care is considered and found to be deficient.
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  45.  24
    La Somme du Grand VéhiculeWei-shih-er-shih-lunLa Somme du Grand Vehicule.J. K. Shryock, Étienne Lamotte, Clarence H. Hamilton & Etienne Lamotte - 1940 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 60 (1):115.
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  46. Perspectivas del derecho ambiental en Colombia.Gloria Amparo Rodriguez, Giovanni Herrera & Beatriz Londoño - 2006 - Universidad del Rosario.
    Este proyecto responde a un momento histórico de gran importancia, que por supuesto no pudo ser más oportuno. Colombia celebra en el año 2006 los quince años de la promulgación de su Constitución Política, y los cambios de trascendentales surgidos a partir de su aplicación has sido prolíficos, Particularmente, el tema ambiental ha sobresalido dentro de las grandes transformaciones del país, y por ello no en vano hoy se afirma que tenemos una verdades Constitución ecológica. De igual forma, la Facultad (...)
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  47.  26
    Quentin J. Schultze, Habits of the high-tech heart. Living virtuously in the information age. Grand Rapids 2002: Baker Academic 2002, 256 pages. ISBN 080102322x. [REVIEW]H. Jochemsen - 2004 - Philosophia Reformata 69 (2):196-199.
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  48.  14
    The Anti-Emile: Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Education Against the Principles of Rousseau.H. S. Gerdil & Rocco Buttiglione - 2011 - St. Augustine's Press.
    The idea of translating Gerdil into English is brilliant, the translation is very good and the introduction of William Frank precise and inspiring.... Rousseau proposes a complete break with tradition. A new man will arise who is severed from the whole heritage of the past. With him the history of mankind begins anew. In one sense we have here a transposition in the field of philosophy of education of the Cartesian cogito. The subject begins with himself. To this philosophical project (...)
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  49.  16
    Charles Higounet and Arlette Higounet-Nadal, eds., with Nicole de Peña, Grand cartulaire de la Sauve Majeure. 2 vols. (Etudes et Documents d'Aquitaine, 8.) Bordeaux: Fédération Historique du Sud-Ouest, Institut d'Histoire, Université de Bordeaux III, 1996. 1: pp. 1–522; 2 color figures. 2: pp. iii, 523-1071 plus 2 foldout maps. [REVIEW]Constance H. Berman - 1997 - Speculum 72 (4):1183-1186.
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  50. JOYAU, E. -Les Grands Philosophes-Épicure. [REVIEW]H. J. Watt - 1911 - Mind 20:283.
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